About Us

We are Mairi and Seamus MacPherson and we live in Fearn, near Tain, in the Scottish Highlands. We have been growing our own fruit and veg using natural, ‘no dig’ principles for 7 years. As well as a walled side-garden where we grow flowers, artichokes and alpine strawberries, we have a large garden that we’re slowly turning from lawn-and-shrubs into a permaculture-inspired space. We have chickens, ducks, a rabbit, dogs and cats, and several polytunnels, as well as a number of mature apple and plum trees. Academics by training, we’re passionate about growing as much food as we can as organically as possible, and to share our knowledge and experience with others.

We believe that growing your own fruit and veg is for everyone, no matter your age, abilities, experience, or economic circumstances. We’re committed to teaching folks about gardening sustainably, within their means, and with consideration of their needs. Whether you’re growing a tomato plant on your windowsill or your entire garden is taken over by fruit and veg, we’re here to help you do so in a way that doesn’t break the bank, the environment – or yourself.

We’ve got many tips and tricks for growing your own with limited mobility – we’ve got first-hand experience of that as Mairi has ME/CFS and sometimes struggles to stand or walk, or indeed carry things. We’ve found ways to accommodate that (sowing seeds at the kitchen table, for example) and would be delighted to share these with you.

Growing Your Own as an Act of Resistance

Highland Seedlings is not a business – we operates on principles of solidarity economy / sharing and community. Our guiding principle is that we want to live slowly and intentionally, and we want to help others grow their own food in order to help them throw off the shackles of consumerism. We see growing your own food as an act of resistance that focuses on making the most of the stuff we have, eating seasonally and mostly plant-based, without the need for more, or better, or stuff. Sow seeds. Grow food. Eat what you’ve grown. Be happy. We will always find a way to help you grow your own, and happily accept trades of goods, skills or labour in exchange for our seedlings, veg and expertise. Even if you don’t think you’ve got something worth trading, we’re sure you do. Donate if you can, don’t worry if you can’t.

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